LICE! That’s right. Her and her boyfriend have lice. They have no money for the treatment, no money for the laundry mat, and no place else to do the treatment even if they got one.
So I took my very last money I had and got them treatments and allowed them in to use the bathroom, which I had almost finished cleaning from the last time they trashed it, and now I’m getting clothes from my closet so they have something clean to change into.
But, I did tell her this doesn’t change everything. I’m just going to help her through this, then she’s back on her own. Of course I’ll get her the second treatment in a week like the directions say to follow through, but she’s not staying here for the week.
@everhopeful is right. You’re just going to torture yourself. I mean, sure, she needs to take care of herself and not being drugs around you. But daughters need their mothers and the guilt will eat you up.
It’s more feasible to meet her at tge door and requore she have no drugs on her, check if you need to. She can’t come with anyone else.
If narcotics anonymous is a 12-step program, and I’m pretty certain it is, it won’t work for me. The cornerstone of a twelve-step program is giving yourself over to a higher power from what I understand. I don’t believe in a higher power and would feel like a fraud in the room.
There is a plan for me to join group at some point. The time hasn’t come yet. I appreciate your opinion and see wisdom and value in it.
You are so right about the guilt. It does a number on me. We don’t have a normal, healthy mother daughter relationship. But I am not going to let a health problem go without treatment. It’s cruel. I called every single agency in town asking if there was any assistance for such a problem before I stepped in. She literally had nowhere to turn.
Something’s can’t be controlled.
It’s random and chaos.
Helping sometimes make things worst.
Not helping makes things worst.
This is the paradox.
There is no right thing to do - wrong thing to do.
Cause other variables on the person who need the help are unpredictable.
Not even their fault or choice.