any gift ideas… sdfsfdsf
for christmas 15151515515
How old is she?
34 years old…
Maybe some toiletries? Some nice smelling lotion or perfume or body wash? Maybe a nice vase for flowers.
Some socks. A shirt.
Does she listen to music? Maybe headphones?
I bought my sister ovira its a new devise to help lessen the pain from menstraul cramps. bought my gf one too. their like $100
Ummm… I saw someone else recommend a scarf before as a gift, Id love to get a scarf.
Cologne, a purse, a bracelet, necklace, ring.
What are her interests and hobbies?
Amazon or ebay gift cards, any kind of tech, spotify gift card?
A book if she likes to read. A gift card is always appreciated.
Do you know her top size, you could buy her a top. Or a dress.
For my bday this year I’m asking for clothes. Or clothes shop vouchers.
I’m not too picky about what I wear if someone gifts me with clothes as long as it fits well
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