The forum is really slow right now. I was just thinking about another thread where a member was talking about his desire to have children.
It kind of reminded me of an old sims game where you had to choose your “path” or whatever. There was like “Love” “Family” “Wealth” etc. The “path”(i know this isnt what they called it but I cant remember what it was called), influenced your “wants” in the game.
Anyway, it made me think about making this topic. What is your path? What do you live for? Personally, I think I my path is Fun. Its hard for us schizophrenics to have as much fun sometimes because of negatives, but this is what I strive for anyway. I just try to get as much joy as I can squeeze out still.
So what is your path “Wealth” “Family” “Money” “Freinds” “Love” “Fun” “Legacy”?
Is it the guy who has the most stuff that wins? or something else?
my path is spiritual…love is important to me, but so is compassion and understanding…I have love and compassion for others…it is what drives me to help others when I can…makes me happy…my spiritual life suffers though, I feel I’m not strong enough…wish I was stronger to help others…
i say this because i know deep down this is what i strive for. i’d love to say Legacy, or whichever path has to do with creativity, and making stories/art/etc that will be remembered… but i know that Love is what my heart really wants. i just want the people around me to feel happy, to feel safe, to get through things. my parents, family, girlfriend, friends, even acquaintances and coworkers… perhaps i’m too emotionally sensitive for my own good
maybe this will lead me to have a family one day. who knows? i’m building an intimate relationship with a woman right now. and i wonder one day if my girlfriend & i end up being life partners… then later parents… it’s really scary to think about. but, it’s all out of Love. i just want people to be okay, i guess. maybe it’s not what i say i want. but i’ve accepted that it’s what my heart wants, always.
I just wanna keep improving at Stuff. Whatever I do or have to do I just wanna keep getting better at in someway. My hobbies, taking care of the house, my relationship with my parents and my health.
I wanna have a job and do peer support I wanna make others feel like there’s hope I remember a peer support worker basically cheering me up and giving me hope at my lowest and when I left the hospital with haldol injection I still think about how useful that job was I wasn’t going to get help that time
i think my path would be fun too. idc for money. i dont wanna have kids or nothing. i dont really got any long term goals. just trying to have a good day in the day im in.
My goal is to make money trading, and then keep on transferring what I make in the trading account to an investment account that pays dividends.
I made a 140 percent return in the last three months trading stocks. I had a real good period, but it would still take me 10 years to get to my goal of transferring enough money in my investment account to live off the dividends alone. And, that is the goal, dividends paying off for my lifestyle.