What are your plans for Christmas?

Are you traveling? Are you having guests? I’m just staying at home with the family and maybe make something special to eat but I haven’t decided what yet. Probably ham and sweet potatoes.


I live alone, and my sister is 1000 miles away. I also have an uncle who is far away. That’s my only family. I’m just going to spend Christmas by myself.


We’re officially locked down under a public health emergency. Supposed to stay at home and celebrate with immediate members of our household only. My wife is not handling it well as she wanted to spend it with her parents. I’ve learned to keep my yap shut about it around her to avoid unpleasantries.


Just going to be me and my parents this year. My dad said something about a ham in the freezer…


We’re officially locked down until early January so no visits with anyone. I do bring groceries to my mom but I wear a mask when I deliver them.


Yeah, my wife is like, “well we can make dinner and drop it to them!”

Uh, sure. It’s 3.5 hours driving each way and there are no public washrooms available. Going to spend 7 hours in a vehicle on Christmas Day to deliver food and then NOT go in? Once we’re there, she’ll go in.



My mom only lives 30 minutes away.

@MrSquirrel. It’s really not safe for your wife to go inside when visiting her parents. I really hope she reconsiders.

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People should just stay at home this year with Covid19. It’s not worth dying, whopper hospital bills, ect. You can enjoy Christmas next year. Right now we are going through a Covid19 spike because everyone went nuts Thanksgiving.


Safer for them than us now. They keep visiting with neighbours who are helping out with their farm and they’re constantly going to doctor’s appointments plus getting in home care for her dad. I’m concerned about getting something from them. They’re not “getting it”.


I usually dont do anything because my sister is 2000 miles away. My uncle is 1000 miles away, but this year is different. I have chosen to be Grandmother Clause to a 5 month, 3 year and 8 year olds. I have no family of my own so i adopted a family to look after and bless. Im having a ball buying and wrapping gifts that i think they need or would enjoy. Stockings… Santa duties are not complete without stockings. Im working on it.

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Very quiet this year. Going to my sisters for Xmas. We usually stay there and Xmas day is immediate family. My little bros are all coupled up and doing stuff with the inlaws so boxing day my sister invites the immediate family around…It’ll be really quiet this year on Xmas day. Boxing day will be more social but it’s been an odd year and won’t be as it was…


just me and mum and dad this christmas. We eating rabbit stew like we always do. I look forward to the fuds =)

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Small gathering at my grandpa’s house, as usual. Just 5 of us. No Christmas Eve party, though, which usually consisted of some extended family members. Kinda glad that got canceled. For dinner, we’re having steaks.

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Just the family from the immediate area. My parents, my sister (who’s on call for work) and my niece. My fathers getting a ham from the country club he belongs to. I got my christmas shopping done already all without having a working debit card and I also took the liberty to order a vape for myself while using my fathers credit card. I asked and got a neutral response.

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My partner is spending at her daughters and her daughter doesn’t accept me. My sister is spending at her daughters place and she lives in another state. So, like with Thanksgiving, I’m probably spending Christmas alone.


i am going to my sisters, will be 8 of us, and 7 of 8 of us there have already tested positive for the virus, im the only one that didnt get tested, but assume i caught it from mom and dad when they had it, i woke up coughing and had a headache and stuffy nose one day, but it only lasted one day for me. i quarantined for 2 weeks, this was a little before thanksgiving.

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dad caught it from my uncle, who doesn’t know where he caught it, then mom caught it from dad, then i caught it from them, then my nephews caught it at school, then it spread to my sister and brother in law in their home. we’re all recovered now, except mom doesnt have any taste and dad doesn’t have any smell. thankfully i have my smell and taste.

I’m sorry @anon54988740. Don’t forget to come on here. Others will be in your boat too.


I may be going through a med change this Christmas. I’m seeing my pdoc Thursday, and I don’t know what he’s going to do. I just trying to relax until I see him.

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I’m sorry you’ll be alone @SkinnyMe. That’s hard.