What are you doing now?

I am waiting for a cigarette break.


Listening to music and chatting with my boyfriends


Watching My 600 Pound Life.


I’m just listening to the radio atm and looking at shoes on Zappos.

Earlier today I listened to 3 CDs!


I just spent $30 in Kohl’s Cash and got two pairs of pants for $8.48.


Watching a show called The Masked Singer. :dog::dog::dog:


Watching celebrity Jeopardy waiting on benadryl to work so maybe I can sleep.


Lying in bed. About to go to sleep as I have class tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.


Do you have several boyfriends?

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I have one official boyfriend and am dating another guy

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I’m sitting in bed.

Day is going so slowly.

Feels like a long big slow day but so far it’s better than yesterday.

Browsing the forum.

Don’t know what I’ll do now.

Maybe I can read a few pages.

I finished watching cobra Kai yesterday and absolutely loved it.great ending.
But what will I watch now.

I can’t seem to watch that many shows.

I had a bath today so that’s good.nice n clean.

I’m happy I went for a little walk.

Day feels too long and slow.

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Do they know and do they mind?

You are polygamy?

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Yes they know and they love it. Theyre both married and dating others. I am polyamorous. Polygamy is illegal unfortunately.

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I can’t believe it’s illegal.

How could it possibly be illegal?

Your not hurting anyone.

If everyone knows about it and is consensual adult then that’s your business not the government or conservatives.

Good wishes to you all in your relationships.

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Polygamy is where you legally marry more than one person, which is why its illegal, its not illegal to be polyamorous

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Oh ok I missunderstood.

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Eating strawberry meringues, watching 90 day fiancé.


Im writing this sentence (meta)


I finished watching Conspiracy Theory, a classic from 1997, starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. Despite its name and synopsis, it didn’t trigger me.

My energy levels are nothing special these days. I’ve started sleeping in the afternoon again. Fortunately I can still fulfill my duties at my job, but just barely.

So right now I’m looking up ways to be more alert. I’d like to avoid overdosing on coffee, and I hate the idea of taking more meds. Maybe what I lack is proper exercise? Yaaawn. :yawning_face:


I’m watching corrie and it’s newrl finished then might go bed and watch I’m a celebrity on catchup I’ve eaten too much in comfort eating

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