What are our favorite pc games

My favorite is wow and guild wars 2.

really good at warcraft 3 frozen throne and that is why i still play it

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I’ve lost my interest in WoW lately, but haven’t found anything else to play yet. Been getting a slight nostalgic urge to revisit SWTOR. I had quite the sexy pureblood sith back in the day.

Dark Age of Camelot!

Currently? Sid Meyer’s Civilization 5/Beyond Earth and Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim.

Of all time? Jeez…civilization series, monkey island 1 and 2, King’s Quest, Jet Fighter 2, Microsoft flight simulator and grand theft auto 2.

Gary’s Mod with game type as Trouble in terrorist town (TTT)!

I haven’t found a game I liked in years…

I have played quite a few this year, but it was more out of nostalgia and it was on consoles…

My friends wanted me to buy rocket league and so I did… but haven’t really played it yet.

My favorite is Beyond Atlantis.

I may start playing Gary’s mod just to pass the time.

Stumbled across Star Trek Online, which is the only game I’ve been playing lately (not a whole lot either). I was playing Neverwinter via Arc when I discovered Star Trek. I’ve gone off gaming over the past year or so - too much guilt.

Favourites of all time? Kings Bounty and Civilization (the Apple originals), Dues Ex and Fallout 1 (PC originals).

I remember playing that Atlantis game an age and a half ago…

Currently I’ve settled/conquered an entire continent as Brazilia in Sid Meyer’s Beyond Earth and everybody else hates me but they’re on the other continent so they can hate me from over there. I won the game several days ago and decided to keep playing to see what it was like.

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Doom is coming back. I used to play WoW too.

Yep played the hell out of doom. Didn’t know it was coming back though.


Massive fan of rpg’s and solo games at that. Currently going back through Morrowind. Missed it in it’s early release but making up for lost time. Still pick it up for under $5 on steam sales and it’s friggin awesome in it’s scope!

When I’m done with that it’s back to fallout 4 or mass effect 2…the future is mine to see!



Ah yes, The Elder Scrolls! and before Morrowind there was Daggerfall. Morrowind was my favourite though (including Oblivion and Skyrim) - it was just more immersive and less linear. $5 hmm way worth it! Keep an eye out for Dues Ex at that price too.

The Mass Effect series was definitely awesome too - just wish that planet exploration was a little more Morrowind-esque. I think I actually skipped 2 and went straight to 3, so maybe I’ll join you.

I got to Diamond level at Starcraft II HOTS, which represents a lot of investment of time, and I was gaming when the original SC came out in the 90s too.

Nowadays Carpal Tunnel Syndrome makes vigorous real-time games too painful, so I lean towards turn based or pausable games.

Am a big witcher fan.

Anyone else here ever play OpenRA? it’s a C&C/RA/Dunes esque strategy game with some mods!

If you have things like HL2 and CS:S or CS:GO you should have most of the textures and basic maps otherwise you might have to download them and some maps from the workshop.

I don’t have the maps. Are the maps free from the workshop or do you have to pay? I have no idea how the game works. I have steam though.