If you could stay at one age forever, which age would you choose?..and why?
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 40
- 50
- other (explain)
0 voters
If you could stay at one age forever, which age would you choose?..and why?
0 voters
I chose 10 years old…no drugs…no caffeine…no booze…no racism…
Just pure unbridled energy…curiosity…fearlessness and creativity.
My 17th year was my favourite by a long, long way
My 18th was my favorite.
Probably 30, im 30 right now and my 20s seemed so dramatic. Thats what an elder told me about aging, the older you get the less dramatic life seems. Its pretty true
Probably thirty or a real good forty.
I’m 35 and feel like I could be this age forever,
So maybe somewhere in the middle.
Some kind of ethereal energy being that could be any age I wanted to for as long as I wanted to. If I had a choice in the matter.
I said 30, mature and ready for life…I could still make love four times a day too…haha
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