What age do you feel..?

I actually feel like in a round 70 for many reasons

How about you?

  1. I feel after all the hell that old.
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73 and miserable as ever

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61 and feel like in my 70’s with my arthritis hurting all the time.

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Probably 80-90 years old.

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80 y.o and I am 30. I take meds for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. I stay in bed all day, gained 175lb.


my energy is pretty good. i feel kinda young. about 30 years old.

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If it weren’t for my ageing body, I’d say I feel like I’m 11.


I feel 22 but my knees don’t.


I feel my age.

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I honestly feel I get on with people a lot older… but I don’t feel old most the time I think I’m quite immature


I would say about my age, 53. Maybe a little younger mentally and emotionally and a little older physically.

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I feel like a granny, sometimes. We’ve been through a lot. Sometimes like a toddler, still learning.

I’m 48

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I feel ready to retire, but that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

Sick of people making my life more difficult than it needs to be to be honest

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Sending you hugs, @Joker. :hugs:

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I try to feel young at heart. But I am 37. I will probably feel old when I hit forty.

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I’m 36 but feel like I’m 16. Like sza stunted my maturity.

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56 going on 80.

I’m just gone 50 but feel mid 30-40. I’m a lot fitter now and I think that makes a big difference.

60 may be iam 30
sometimes i cant understand technology well i also cant learn new things
cant play games well
i lost interest in many things