What a Moon

Do yourself a favor and check out the moon tonight.


Just had a look - 2:20am UK - it looks 1/4 eclipsed - or it might have been a dark cloud - but it don’t look red - normal colour.

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The supermoon eclipse results from the rare combination of a lunar eclipse, a point in the moon’s orbit when it is closest to the earth, and the full moon closest to the fall equinox — all at once. In other words, this is a total eclipse of a super-harvest-blood-moon. It hasn’t happened in 33 years, and it won’t occur again for another 18.

The eclipse will be visible to the naked eye, and the different phases will altogether be over four hours long. The eclipse will take place in stages, with first the penumbral eclipse, when the earth blocks the moon with the outer part of its shadow, then the partial eclipse, and then the full eclipse, when the earth completely blocks the moon from the sun’s light. The darkened moon may appear red during the period of total eclipse in the middle of the event.

If you cannot get to a spot with a moon view, or prefer not to spend almost five hours outside tonight, you can watch the full lunar event here via live stream. The stages of the the supermoon eclipse are at the following times:

Penumbral Eclipse begins — 00:11 GMT

Partial Eclipse begins — 01:07 GMT

Full Eclipse begins — 2:11 GMT

Maximum Eclipse — 2:47 GMT

Full Eclipse ends — 3:23 GMT

Partial Eclipse ends — 4:27 GMT

Penumbral Eclipse ends — 5:22 GMT

Just had another look 2:40am - it’s half way across now.

??? According to that timetable, it doesn’t start for another 20 minutes?

It’s just a sliver now.

I believe that’s for the total eclipse, where the whole moon is shadowed. But I may be mistaken.

Yeah, we had heavy cloud cover here earlier, and I was looking forward to it clearing up on time. It’s clear now.

Seen it - 3:16am - just the smallest sliver at the bottom - yes it was red - like a brown red - been in the garden watching it - my neck aches now lol

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It’s eclipsing like it’s 1982! :wink:


1982 was around the time it all started going wrong for me - hope this eclipse can complete a cycle and change my luck!

Nature put on a show for my birthday! I saw it totally red except for a tiny sliver of white.


Happy Birthday!

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Thanks! It was wonderful!


total eclipse now for me. Red. @shutterbug are you getting this?
I have a couple of ok shots I’ll post in awhile.
Happy Birthday @cj9556!

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Complete cloud cover here. :frowning:


did anyone get a photo of it? im in australia we didn’t see it :frowning:

No filter/processing


No filter/processing.