i went to my pdoc yesterday
she decided that if i trusted my self she will trust me
we set up a safety plan and i have to call the team pager if i get bad voices and si
they also talked with my mom giving her the symptoms to look for to bring me to the hospital
i will get threw this just wish i new how long bailey has and to know if she is in pain
May 4, 2022, 9:06pm
That’s really good. You have a trust relationship.
Wow sounds like a good pdoc session.
A safety plan really helps me. Especially in a crisis. And your family is involved.
Bailey your dog? Is in pain?
ya bailey is my 3 year old dog
she got dx with lymphoma last week and a mass on heart
vet suggested chemo but it will only give her maybe 10 months
its not right to put her threw the side effects of the chemo for 10 months
that is being selfish
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May 4, 2022, 9:16pm
Oh no.
I lost my dog to cancer. We did get him chemo - removed a leg. The mass was on.
It gave him about 4 years extra though.
im glad they were able to give your dog extra time
bailey’s tumor is on heart so surgery is a no go cause they would have to crack open her chest
she also has a heart murmur which makes surgery even more risky
I have lost a lot of dogs it never gets easier they are family to me
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May 4, 2022, 9:35pm
No - that doesn’t sound like an option. I think treat her pain and love her as long as you can.
yup im gonna treat her like doggie hospice
all the treats and meats she wants with her food
also lots of attention and love
ty for talking with me it helps
May 4, 2022, 9:43pm
I have a 17 chihuahua that was a brother to our first we lost.
He is now getting very old. Blind. And we are know the day is coming - we bought him health insurance so he can see the vet anytime. So he is at the vet a lot for tests and medications to minimize and pain and keep him eating.
I am loving him so hard. Cause these are his last days and I don’t even know how my 1 year old will deal with the lost as he is so in love with his brother. I am worried for me and my dogs. It’s all worth it. The love.
I think you are doing the best thing for Bailey.
Making her comfortable and love - you are a good parent.
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im sorry to hear about ur other pup
17 is a long great life you must have gave him great love during his life
its hard with kids but if you explain it softly about how death works they are likely to understand
i wish the best for your conversation with your child
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August 2, 2022, 9:53pm
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