Starting tomorrow we finally have plus temperatures every day. Still minus overnight but day temps will feel so good! Spring is on it’s way!!!
Hooray !! I just got my power on Friday after an ice storm knocked it out 10 days beforehand. Now sis and I are cleaning the house and we have the doors open. It’s 45 Fahrenheit here.
Great! I love airing out the house weather permitting.
I can’t wait for spring !!
I’m ready for some green.
That means you have to keep the grass mowed and I have a lot of grass.
We live in a condo, not our problem.
yea it’s been nice here… was 16°C today. i went for a walk with mobile team girl… she took me out on an hour walk.
It’s so warm here today almost all the snow has melted!
Cold has returned here in Quebec, -29C last night and -30C with wind chill this morning. Now its about 4pm and its -20C.
We’re quite hot still but autumn is arriving and I’m so excited for winter months coming!!
It’s 46F and I just went for a walk in the sun!
Hope it’s short lived!
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