Well, the problem is

A lot of people don’t know what they’re talking about. They complain about people sitting around. They deliberately try to make people useless, with their corrupt shenanigans. Then want to pick out a crappy job for you, just to inflate their ego. And probably most of the people they target, could have done much more than they ever did. They think, because nothing bothers them and they’re working hard at their dumb job, they must be the better person. Well maybe we should send them to Medical school, since they’re obsessed with making everyone useless, but I doubt they’ll graduate.

You gotta fight to get to where you want to be in life! Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t accomplish!

I know. I’ve made some bad decisions, that have made my life more difficult. But I’ve had more interference, I think, than bad decisions.

We just have to be careful not to fixate so much on blame. “My life is bad because of x people” Maybe so but it is our job to move on from the past and whatever that bad interference was.

My parents never got any kind of mental help for me and I grew up with bad mental illness. Did that result in a lot of suffering and even trauma for me? Yes. Did a lot of bad things happen due to that and my life not go as I dreamed because of it? Yes. But as soon as I was able to I sought help for myself and I changed my life. I did not let my parents’ failures hold me back. And I have since forgiven them for not helping me because they were really just clueless.

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I’m glad you were able to. People have always wanted me to be demoralized, and it’s hard to function. I don’t know if that’s depression, but It really destroys your energy.

Well screw those people! Fill yourself with morale. Surround yourself with those who build you up and don’t try to tear you down.

I think they all deserted me, but believe me, I don’t really care what my enemies think.

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Well , I work in data entry. I know I can get a higher paid job with more variety than this. But I don’t cope well with stress. So i decided to go part time on this job … so the mental anxiety is the only thing I have to deal with no other stress.
But I’d rather that because it helps me get out of the house… its my source of motivation… my goals are more directed to my mental health

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