Well I think @77nick77 would say

I told you so. We’re getting rain and I stood outside near the neighbors from upstairs. The one guy gave me angry look but I had to marvel in the fact they’re not cursing at me. I stood by the female a few mins and moved to end to see the cars and ■■■■.

Why the hell am so paranoid? Even if they curse at me at all…

I don’t really know what you’re talking about, @roxanna

Nobody ever does

I’m all ears if you want to speak out.

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Look ma, I’m famous!!!

Paranoia is a symptom, it’s not your fault.
As long as you don’t act on it.

Maybe your neighbors have been nice all along? I really can’t tell.

I get the occasional gay or hoe and furniture moving. Being that I’m a loon I could be in the ■■■■■■■ desert and would think someone is yelling at me. Jc lol.

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Well, watch out for the camels. They spit.

I’m debating it was them. I guess it doesn’t matter.

You have my sympathy, @roxanna, I wish I could help. Do you have any soothing rituals you can perform?

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Listening to music. 1515151 it’ll be alright.

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I don’t think your paranoid. You just have really nice neighbours.

I didn’t get this either.

Can you explain Nick, if it applies to you?

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Must be some kind of inside joke between them.


No big mystery here. Roxanna has a problem with her neighbors. I used to have some of the same problems with neighbors. I have just been telling her what works for me.


Sorry about that. Weird day yesterday.

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