Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Wednesday, February 05, 2014
6:02 PM

I am beginning to hate the words I write
I can kill a poem with my Hades touch
and a nasty form
of self-rejection

		I eat their hearts and
		spit them out
		rhymes are the most detestable

I thought I loved them
as my own children but
these hands gave birth to nothing
I brought nothing to life

		I simply cannot ignite one
		single creative spark
		while the bats are bustling 
		around in the belfry 
		while this demon is inside me
		breaking my body

What a darkling this one is becoming
but it dies in utero

		I am no more than a wantwit
		creating a masterpiece pratfall
		after pratfall and not artistically done
		because no one's told me to
		give up the ghost yet

These arcanum verses are not so
they mean what they say
and they mean nothing

I will eat
and bury them