Was stupid with my money

I’m usually very careful with my money. I only buy things I need or really want and don’t splurge often on material things. I looked at my bank account two days ago in the morning and I felt confident that I had saved up quite a lot of money so I could buy a couple of fun things.
So yesterday I bought myself a purple woollen jumper and a music plugin. Then this morning I remembered that there was another plugin I wanted instead, but because I had activated the first one I couldn’t refund it (which is super nonsensical because they can easily just deactivate it). I ended up buying the second one anyway.

So I looked at my bank account just now to see what the damage was and I foolishly didn’t recognise that two payments (one for food one for an oven repair) hadn’t gone through when I checked two days ago and so in fact - I never had loads of extra money to play with in the first place.
I spent over £400 in like two days. I’m sure I will be okay as I have an emergency fund I never go into but yeah I feel really stupid for not connecting the dots or not rechecking.


You can save heating energy with that, woollen clothes are great, so nothing to regret imo

Great !

Better than a bank credit, so you saved twice your money


The last physically synth I bought I used not very often too, sold it for 50% after a year, music is an expensive hobby till you get what you need. lol

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I bought a wool sweater, some underwear, a pair of hiking boots (used) and new inner soles for the boots.

I also played the lottery.

I have been wasting my money. But sometimes we need to enjoy ourselves.

I see my clothes as an investment.

I think you are beating yourself up when you probably will enjoy the things you bought.

Just as long as you pay rent and have money for food then all is ok.


Thanks guys. That makes me feel a lot better. I haven’t slept very well the last few days so maybe I am just being overly harsh on myself.


When are we going to hear some music that you have produced @StarCrazy ? i’d love to hear it.

What plugins did you buy anyway?


I bought a synth called Le Gibet from a company named teletone and a choir/synth instrument I forget the name of.
I am very bad at actually finishing projects!
I love writing and coming up with ideas but I don’t feel very good at mixing and I also really struggle with writing words I think are meaningful and also component. Half of the time I just write on my guitar a full song and think about the arrangment but never actually make the project because of how often I am displeased with how it comes together.


I bought this giant Rocky boxing glove from an auction house. Not the wisest of buys but it cheered me up.


I look for inspiration in everything i watch or catches my attention during the day.

Then i write a poem

Then i try and turn it into a song.

then i make a guitar riff

then i fit the song into the riff.

I can’t sing very well, or play guitar very well but it is pretty original.

The important thing is to enjoy doing it.

I am not very good with the DAW but it is slowly inmproving.

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Update: the purple woolen jumper is excellent! Fairly warm and a lovely colour. Purple is really hard to find in menswear but I love wearing it.

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