**If you find that you got lot on your chest, post here… **
I’m really worried about money atm. On my third month of living on my own and the last 2 months I overspent by a lot and used up all my savings.
Im hopeful I get PIP this month and I can have a bit more money per month.
Whats annoying is my support worker seemed to dismiss what I was saying, saying I just spent it because I am new to living alone, and that I’ll work it out (as if by magic??) but I still havn’t really figured out how I am spending so much money on food each month.
I’ve put £200 on a separate card this month and am just gonna buy things off that so I can keep a closer eye on my spending. Im hoping thats enough to make me budget better.
I gave up everything searching for inner peace…
Been thrown out of home, had surgery, constantly broke, and I always leave tips to women at fast food…
Vent thread…
I feel shitty today. I fell asleep yesterday without taking meds. I can’t miss a single dose without my body and mind reacting to it. I wish I could recover enough so that I can live a normal life.
This is the Canadian leaf.
Anyways, I am always the same mostly in bed, sometimes I complain but I try not to as its useless and annoys ppl here and in real life.
Thought it was late in Canada or something
then remember y’all are just northern of us Yeah I was confused too
@anon4362788, can you remove Canadian leaf?
You are my favourite mod…
I think that’s a step to becoming more in tune with reality. “Acknowledging you annoyed people in the past this way”. And not making same mistakes again. That’s a step to becoming a master of reality. Although early. Adjusting. And open minds. Are the keys to being a master at anything.
I dunno if it’s a delusion but I feel really in touch with the vibrations of the universe lately. I can almost predict everything. Now I have a better idea of the universal formula.
Normies formula may be different than szs formula for living. But the conclusion would be “he’s a normie”. Or “he’s mentally ill”. I don’t mean to label. Part of the key is to not label. Rise above labels. It goes much deeper than that, intuition. Hope it makes sense?? Balanced approach overall. May sound like just words to some. But I see some ■■■■. Were not talking visual hallucinations either
I’m only your favorite because I’m SPICY.
Have you asked anyone to help you come up with a budget so you can remain within what you do have? That would be great if you could find someone to do that for you
No, you got quality
And spice. 15
Are you tired sometimes, vent!
So much folks posting and…
So, jokes aside, I am tired constantly. The only time I ever had energy was when I was going to the gym a few years ago daily.
I worked out, got in the sauna, then showered, swam, showered again, and went home. In that order. I felt great.
But had to drop gym membership due to not having reliable way to get there and my husband had health problems. I can’t work out as good at home. But exercise really does help.
Right now nothing helps much. Energy pills just make me anxious now. Caffeine itself does nothing and I took max allowable a day.
@Aziz don’t take this personal, but I’m like the female version of you. I’m in bed, then my chair all day. I do some stuff, but not enough. Just a little more since coming off APs.
I was sleeping wellll… And woke up fresh for today…
Cleaned closets, there were so much things I cant wear cause Im fat…
Then went to a neighbour and rang…
His wife doesnt like schizophrenics…
She said Next time you knock, while young kid is sleeping, first hit today…
Then,everyone I called was cold shower…
Rude people…
Food was my biggest expense when I used to work. Everyday at work I either ate at restaurant or ordered from Ubereats. I was spending about 20$ everyday on food and worked full time for a year so 52 weeks x 2 days = 104 days not working. 365 days - 104 days = 261 days working x 20$= 5220$/year or 435$/month. Yes! Its a lot!
And thats only restaurant food ordered during lunch time at work.
I wanna try fasting…hopefully that can give me some more energy? Anyone else done it ?