Was in a bad way last night

I think I smoked too many cigarettes. my thoughts started racing and I began to hallucinate and get paranoid. I tried to keep it together, I took a bath and that didn’t calm me down, so I just went to bed at 8pm. totally slept it off, I feel normal again this morning. whew, im out of the woods again.


Glad you are feeling better.

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thanks. :+1: hopefully today is a good day, the meds seem to be effective most of the time. but on rare occasions I get breakthrough symptoms.

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I also have bad days. The voices and paranoia can be extremely high. My pdoc says that I will have bad days.

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Glad you’re ok again.

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I know the feeling
It’s creepy and unpleasant
I find that walking a lot makes my breakthrough symptoms a little easier
Also they have been coming less frequently however I get ill around monthly cycle

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