Are there New Reviews about Vraylar in Case of Negativ Symptoms ?
I think vraylar wont treat negative symptoms…i have read that somewhere…
I am also waiting for new reviews.
Yes that would be nice to read positiv Life Changer maybe
Where r u from shizo …!!! look nice and hopeful…
I am from Germany What Do you mean with hopeful
@far_cry0 Read here Vraylar can improve negative symptoms.
You have to registrate there it is mit for Patients. I would live read it.
Joksala where you from
It helps some compared to other meds but not completely for me. My worst negative symptom is concentration problems. Don’t get me wrong, I think i have better concentration than on other aps though.
How does it help compareing to Abilify or SolIan?
I couldn’t tolerate abilify and I’ve never heard of sollan.
Its generic name iz amisulpride…!!!
Never tried it.
What was your difference between Abilify and Vraylar
I am also from Germany. I have also a big hope in Vraylar. It will come next year to Germany
Joksala i am from Heilbronn and you
Fair Cry which Meds Do you take
Hope in April2018
I take rispridal 3mg and seroquel 25 mg…!! What do u take…???