Voxel Engine Project

I developed this infinite voxel engine back in April when I was manic. I quit working on it when I got depressed. I’m just starting to get back into it now. This is how far I got. The last image is my attempt at making Mars.


That’s awesome. Are you using a game engine or making this all from scratch?

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It’s written from scratch in Java and OpenGL.


Impressive… that sounds hard.

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Yeah it was quite a challenge, but a lot of fun.

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How do you make the bumps and hills in the terrain? Is it randomly generated noise?

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It’s Perlin noise.

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Here’s a cool article on how you can make different types of terrain from noise functions.

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That’s awesome!

I recently did a similar thing in Unity following some tutorials. However they have a Perlin noise function you can use so I didn’t have to code that, just implemented the voxels and gave them a height based off the noise. Your’s looks better than mine though!


Yeah sometimes you have to mess with the inputs to the noise function to get good results.


I looked back at the code and it uses 3 octaves of Perlin noise with a power of 5, and scales the X and Z inputs by 1/256.


Next step is to implement marching cubes to make the terrain smooth. I have my work cut out for me. That will be my project for this month.


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