3d thread v2


followed some tutorials for fog and rain, this is the result!

150000 rain drops simulated and a heck of a lot of trees, really put my new GPU to the test.


Looks :sunglasses: awesome


Thanks! I need to improve my color grading now… I always put a curve to increase contrast but I think maybe this scene don’t need more contrast because of the fog etc.

It’s really cool man … Keep up the good work👍🏾

I’m I’m the same thing bro! Level up :muscle:t5:


It feels good to level up hehe. Sometimes it’s just simple techniques like fog that you haven’t tried before, that raise the atmosphere of a scene just a bit.

btw I made this new thread cause I felt the old was kind of long… post stuff whereever you feel like tho. :+1:

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Yea . Small changes can have huge payoff. In my case I just made a huge change that I was really worried about but I’m certain it’s gonna pay off now!! I’ve just started using the asset and I’ve learn how to solve like 2 major problems I’ve been having … already!!!

Also… How’s the bathroom scene going ?

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I abandoned the bathroom scene, I watched a texturing tutorial on youtube and wanted to put what I learnt to practice (medieval interior), and then I learnt about fog and wanted to do something with that.

What was the big change you did?

That’s eerie. It looks so real.

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This made me smile man :grin: nice work !

Love the little snow balls

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Thanks man, the snow balls was supposed to be falling snow from the sky, but I don’t think I pulled it off? haha… first time trying that… :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: oh you meant the snow on the sides?

Yea… was talking about the sides .

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Ah ok, makes sense. Glad you like it! I made them using geometry nodes.

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How’s it going with your game, made any new cars?

It’s going pretty well… Im Still integrating the new vehicle physics. I decided to use a asset for vehicles because I didn’t like unity wheel colliders. So now I’m just gonna scrap a huge part of my code and use another solution.

I figure I will be back to modeling by Monday.

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Nice! I played around with some car physics in unity yesterday as I was curious if I could get it to work, I had never done cars before. First problem was that the car would fly off cause I had no friction on the wheels so it would drift sideways, so I added some rigid body force to the side of the vehicle, keeping it from drifting. Probably a hacky way to do it but it worked. I imagine going for 100% realistic physics would be a bit more complicated.

Are you going for 100% realism or close to? Or more arcady?

Yea bro… That’s not the right way lol with the colliders I think you could just increase the stiffness or ext/astp values. Adding counter force might not give you a good result :thinking:

I’m not going for complete realistic behavior but I want good race dynamics… I. Order to really enjoy racing (for me) you have to feel that risk of loosing control. So I want like a balance between real racing and arcade. I haven’t seen a toon style game with good racing feel yet Soo I want to do it .

I’ve been playing around with the new physics and the car def feels different but I’m still linking it up to my test stuff before I really play around. I. Hoping this will be a plug and play situation because I’ve just lost like a week with the integration now I only have a couple of weeks to finish the 26 other car models … Idk bro…I’m not gonna hit my deadline

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Haha yeah, it’s hacky but was fun making. I played a game called mickeys racing adventure on GBC as a kid which is actually a pretty good game, wanted to make something like that (top down arcade racer)

Good driving force to create a game for sure! GL! :+1:

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If you complete it you should send it man!!! I want to play lol

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Will do! I can post the short code for the car physics tomorrow and you can see how hacky it is lol. Getting late, off to bed now. :slight_smile:

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