I stumbled across Von Helton by accident on Youtube and after watching his videos it is clear he has SZ.
His current wife left him, not sure what the circumstances were but he says she was cheating on him via Facebook.
Nearly every video since he keeps saying the “trolls” caused his marriage break up. He rants and screams. He thinks he has one up on his wife. Even saying she is lying about going to counselling because he needs to be there when she speaks to a counsellor. How he knows she is not in a women’s shelter because she is not on their systems (I don’t think a women’s shelter would give out any info on their clients) and then he says she is sleeping with some guy and she will be charged for adultery. He keeps saying he will take everyone to court and they will go to jail. How it was not his fault his wife left him etc etc.
He has been seen by social services and in an official document he read out the social worker found he was schizophrenic. Yet in a recent video he said he had went to 3 psychiatrists who all declared him mentally healthy.
Has anyone seen this guy? PS he is the original punisher.
I think you’re trying to reach a bit to try to understand SZ tbh. Youtube can be a place for someone to find their two minutes of fame, so internet personas are common. Even myself I can be a little bit different online then off. A social worker also doesn’t have a great deal of education in mental health never mind the education to diagnose someone which generally takes a doctorate. There is a great deal to diagnosing someone and sometimes that includes looking at if it’s a physical illness (Read up on the Madness of King George for one) Or even other factors
Just showing some examples. Dreamscape I was not trying to do research on SZ, I did plenty of it last year. I was watching a video about NPD on another forum and Von Helton was recommended. Just wanted to know if anyone else has seen any of his videos.
I was on a NPD forum and was looking at suggested NPD videos on you tube and while watching a video of NPD and it’s symptoms, Vonhelton was recommended in the recommendation bar that is how I accidently stumbled upon him by accident. Sorry I type to fast and post without reading.
Never heard of the poor sod before today. I watched the one video and it was enough. d00d has issues. Hope he gets help for them. Other than that, as my wife says, “not my circus, not my monkeys.” Besides, I have several seasons of Torchwood to catch up on. Priorities.
I know of Von Helton well. I used to watch him religiously when I was psychotic. He seemed to verify my paranoia. But those days are long behind. I am also sorry to hear Andrea left him. He really does need help.
I can honestly see why Andrea left. From old videos I can see poor Andrea being left to do what she wanted while he spent his time online. Yeah I saw the video where she was PO because her iPod touch was not working but from what I see even though she seems “simple”, she also seems lonely.
In some of those videos she is nearly raping Von Helton to try to get his attention.
When my FI would spend a lot of his time online playing Poker. I would be sitting in the room watching tv or trying to get him to talk to me. Instead he just played online. One time I snuck out of the house and went to a mutual friend’s house. I logged on to her profile (with her consent) and asked where Cleo was. While he was playing online poker on Facebook. His response “Oh I think she is asleep in bed.”
I was so PO by his response. He didn’t even get up and check where I was. When I got home I confronted him and he acted like I was to blame for him being online all the time. How dare I check up on him under someone’s account.
That is why I understand Andrea left. Being in her early 20s and having 3 babies and being stuck in that trailer must be frustrating to her. I don’t know why she didn’t take the children.