Voices voices 666/999 (POLLS)

I have 11 voices.

Goddess Annette,
Meher Baba,
Archangel Stalin,
Mr. Thoughtless,
27000 demons,

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Your voices are:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Both

0 voters

  • They told me their name
  • I named them

0 voters

  • Internal
  • External
  • Both

0 voters

Your voices are:

  • Good
  • Bad
  • Both

0 voters

Do you miss your voices
when you don’t hear them?

  • Yes, i miss them
  • No, I don’t miss them

0 voters

Do you hear voices despite meds?

  • Yes, i still hear
  • No, I don’t hear
  • Less, and milder

0 voters

Vote vote


What are your voices?

  • Real beings
  • Products of mind

0 voters

Have you voted?
Yes, I’m talking to you dear lurker

I voted to all. I don’t hear voices on meds.

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Good. You’re lucky.
Did you start clozapine?

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No, we decided that I stay on Risperdal 6mg.

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I did not name them as there is too many to hone in on to decide if they’re male or female

All of my voices originate from the master controller spirits each person has who pass around messages and produce ‘thoughts’ that normal people perceive as their own ideas

Me personally, I could see this happening and hear it

Drove me ■■■■■■■ crazy, hence where we are

I know now this is not for me to know about in life, but when I die I’ll have a head start

Might be back here in 2122 talking ■■■■, but for now it’s 2021

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I had many biro drawn images of this happening. But I set them on fire when i was forced to deny the truth by doctors and family

Your voices are just me, sorry just fooling around with my telepathic projection kit.

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Whats with the 69?

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