Voices till the end?

Personally I’m expecting that the last thing I will hear before I die will be the voices in my head.

Kinda sad, but it is what it is.

Do you expect the same?


You and me both, brother.



The voices have been so bad lately and they say the scariest things all I can do is just try to ignore them but its hard.

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You probably already do this, but listening to music can give you some distraction.

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I don’t hear voices while properly medicated.
My issue used to be heavy negatives. Now they aren’t as bad.
Whenever I tried to come off meds, it ended in voices from the deep resurfacing.


You’re lucky that you don’t hear voices on meds.

Wish I could say the same.

But it’s not that bad for me. Just some ‘advice’ and ‘opinions’.


I kinda hope so, so that I’m not alone on my deathbed, wherever that will be.

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Hopefully not. I don’t have voices anymore except for when I am exhausted or very sleepy. Thanks to the cocktail of meds I’m on.


Yes that would be awesome :sunglasses:

Just imagine a positive voice calling you,

Come my child and rest in my garden !


I wouldn’t mind hearing this on my deathbed:


Definitely will not get rid of voices. When I was 30 I had every hope that I would get rid of them so I could have a job . 52 now and still got voices


Haldol has been a miracle for me I was once on abilify injections Seroquel and perphenizine all at the same time and haldol doed a lot more than all of them at once

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I don’t have voices outside of being very anxious/panic attacks.

So, mostly none, but when anxiety gets provoked they come back, and there is virtually no defense as I usually don’t get them so I am not used to dealing with them. And, when the voices happen, I get more anxiety, I go in a loop, which ends up in a complete panic attack. Then, it even feels like an external force controlling me and making me do things I don’t want to do.

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Mine became more sporadic after about 7 years. Now i seem to just hear them during episodes. Used to hear them 24/7.

Maybe they will reduce one day for you


I can never fight my voices, as they have physical control over me. They can make me feel like a robot.

So, I don’t bother with therapy anymore. And, the medications mostly wipe the voices out.

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me too. so I am preparing for that by pre-recording everything that I know they are likely to say. A strange thing is that they have been telling me when ever one of their friends has died recently. But stranger still, they informed me on April 14 that one of their friends (and my ‘f’riend’ also - a friendly voice - named “Lionel”) had died of a “heart attack” (there are different types) the previous day. But they have changed the account number on his welfare payments, and now they are collecting his government welfare payments, so they have left his cadaver decaying in his bed!

That sucks guys…I don’t have voices but I do have intrusive thoughts that ruined my life. I hope they create better meds before you guys die…

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