Visiting family

And I’m really anxious. My belly is upset and my tics are on overdrive. Being around my parents is hard. I feel like they think I’m an idiot and a disappointment, and one of the voices backs it up. She says “shameful, useless” and " dumb ■■■■■".

I get scared my parents are planning to exile me from the family for being such an embarrassment. I’ve caused them so many problems.

I could use some words of encouragement and calm, if you folks have any to spare. Thank you.

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Just be yourself. They want to see you or else they wouldn’t have made plans. I hope it’s an enjoyable visit.


Have an exit plan if you get overwhelmed.

“Excuse me, I’ve got a bad headache and need to go lie down in a dark room for a bit.”

…is a fave of mine. It’s polite enough and it works.


Family can be difficult to deal with for anyone. I used to dread family parties because I didn’t ever have what they would think is a good or honorable life going on. Also they would tease and pick on me quite a bit. My best advice is to try to keep conversation superficial and on the surface. If they pry into personal space then just give a generic answer or try to change the subject or go to another part of the room. Or maybe read a few articles about assertiveness and respectfully let your boundaries known. I know the knots in the stomach feeling of dealing with family and I wish you have the smoothest experience possible.

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I love @shutterbug ’s idea. I hope it helps.

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Thanks for the encouragement. The visit went well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip. I escaped to the bathroom and that helped. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean. I don’t have much going on in my life and I feel like they’ll judge me for it. I appreciate your words.

That’s good! You’re welcome.

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