Very depressed today!

I’m very depressed today. Thinking about death a lot and I’m very negative. Fu-cking voices bothering me, saying this and that.

Also I have anxiety for some reason. It sucks.

It’s just one of those days I guess.


Do you have a prn?

If I were in your case I would take mine.


I have bad patches the last weeks. I’ve just come out of one recently.

Just realise that it’s not permanent.

I hope tomorrow goes better for you.

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No I don’t.

I don’t know what would help me??

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When I have a lot of voices I take clozapine as a prn so that I fall asleep. when I’m too anxious I take a benzo as a prn.


Hopefully not. I just don’t know how long I can take it?

Voices telling me “he’s mentally ill”, “he’s going to kill himself soon”, “he’s weak” and so it goes…


That really sucks.

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My pdoc is going to call me late August. I’ll ask him if he can prescribe me clozapine as prn.

I don’t want to go on benzo’s. I think I would get dependant on them. Not chemically but psychologically. I would start popping them like candy.


I’m tapering my benzo. It will take many months to get rid off them.

It will be interesting to see if he’s willing to prescribe clozapine as a prn. Not all pdocs do that.

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Being on an AD and two AP’s I doubt it. They are already worried I’m on too much drugs. I have betablockers prescribed but don’t use them.


Okay. In any case I hope you feel better soon.

Maybe tomorrow already after a good nights rest!?


Thank you Jonathan. I hope so too.

Maybe it’s just a bad day and hopefully I’ll get over it soon.


You should ask your pdoc
for a prn

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Never heard of clozapine as a prn
I’m in 225 at night and 100 morning
How much do you take as prn


I am lucky. I hear no voices, but I feel very down. Down to the bottom. This comes when my sleep is not so good. Clozapine works for deeper sleep.

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I take 25 mg before going to bed. And 25 mg as a prn if I feel wobbly.

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Sorry to hear. Know it will pass in time. Try some activity to distract in the meantime.

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