Update on things

So they showed up to take me to my appointment, Yeah! I say my Dr. and she was very understanding of my problem right now and put me on Phentermine for 2 months. She did however talk to me at length about diet and exercise and changing my behaviors for the future. So I have a lot of work to do now. I called my meds management lady and she’s bringing my pills to my house tomorrow. I thought that was really nice of her to bring them here instead of me having to go back into the office again. I started my diet today even though I won’t have the diet pills until tomorrow. I’m hungry.


I’m happy they came!

Sounds like you had a productive appointment.

It’s hard to lose weight, but it’s so worth it.

You can do this.

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Thank you @GoldenRex I’m going to try my best

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Sounds good @Leaf and like you have some work ahead of you. It will get easier so just get to it a little at a time.

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I’ve been losing the Battle of the Bulge myself. My upper body looks awful. I work out a very little bit, and I keep wanting to do more, but I can’t motivate myself.

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Its been some time since I was on medications and you seem to have just started out this way. Trust me it is not going to be the smooth ride that folks often make it to be. Take your medications, they say. But at times you need more than medications to pull through.

At times, the feeling that I get is that of a leading hand that leads me through the difficult times of my life. Friends and family have really not tried to be of help. It is as though they need a bit of treatment too. Read my blog toethatwagged.blogspot.com.

I make no claims to having all the answers, but I sure hope my experiences can help you pull through as best as could be done. It feels reassuring that others have traveled this way and pulled it off.

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I know a slim sz and he adviced just to eat a little bit to take the edge of the hunger. It takes the stomach about 20 min. to tell the brain whats happening to it. Hunger is a uncomfortable feeling to get used to. Its difficult in a world of consumption not to consume anything.


I’m glad to hear you had a good appointment with your pdoc. I hope things improve for you soon.

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