Had window closed a couple of hrs but got smokey hot
Try not to worry about work. You go there to do a job and get paid for it at the end of the day. Try not to stress over people, people are just weird sometimes
You never know whats going on with someone else. Your coworker could be stressed about something at home or anything really. People cant always be their usual selves. Especically at work haha. But i dunno. Its possible your right about them though. Who knows. Maybe just try to focus on you and getting the work done like you have been doing.
Thanks @anon29983254 and @Ozzyskits
It’s just, if she’s ignoring me again like she did
a few months ago, I feel like I don’t want to talk to her again when she decides it’s time to talk to me again.
How can I be OK with talking to her again when she just drops me whenever she feels like it, without a reason. And then takes me up again when she feels like it.
I feel mistreated. Though I could be wrong, somehow.
It’s OK if you don’t have an answer it’s quite a complex question… But thanks that you both had listened.
Oh yea that’s a tough situation.
4x 8-10 yr olds splashing and jumping around in a big paddling pool, climbing frame, tent screaming shouting from 10am Sunday morning till 9pm night
Im exhausted but and i played loud music but made me even more exhausted. Nope ive got all summer of this its gonna be hell i know it. Theyve got louder as they get older
Do you have anywhere else you could locate to in your house and make it a comfortable place for you, somewhere where the kids cannot be heard?
Yea its still a bloomin nightmare though. i go in the box room sometimes at the back of flat just to get away for a bit or go out . Its just one of neighbours has been laying flooring and cutting tiles out back so also noisy but he should be finished soon. Its getting lighter now im starting to wake up a bit.
I am exactly like this when I start to use my willpower to do something positive like losing weight
As I took away all those things they gave me energy
I always end up in a situation with more responsibility
What if she’s going through something hard and isn’t up to talking right now? It might have nothing to do with you. If she acts like that next shift, ask her if she’s ok. She may not be ready to talk about it if she’s going through something, and may say she’s fine but at least you asked. You can reply that she doesn’t seem like herself and you’re there for her if she needs to talk. She may open up after that at some point in the future.
I commend you for working full-time, managing your symptoms, and taking care of your health.
That’s a ‘distinction’ in class to me.
She is totally chatty with everyone, except me
Thanks @Jonathan2
Our circumstances are just a bit different, you’re doing well too,
Are you going ahead with the course btw?
Anyway you make a good point, I’ll ask her if she is okay.
Sounds stressful. Hope you cope through it okay. Things will get better.
Thanks @LevelJ1…
I’m not sure. I have to decide in August when it’s time to register (for the Masters).
There is also a course in a healing technique I’m interested in and studying Spanish.
At least there are several things that spark my interest!
When I was 15 or 16 I got my first legit job.
I had another job, but it was off the books.
I was trained and worked for about three months before my manager took me in the office and said some lady I had never met was going to re-train me.
I wasn’t doing well and they thought that was necessary.
It super hurt my feelings.
Ends up, I was doing my job wrong.
But the fact that they didn’t just fire me,
They took the time and money to invest in me being better.
Right now your employer is giving you the opportunity to do things the way they want them done.
I think it shows they value and want to keep you.
So don’t get too anxious.
They’re trying to help you keep your job.
Whatever feels suits your mental health management is good. Whatever that may be only you know best.