Unmet Needs of People with Serious Mental Illness: Perspectives from Certified Peer Specialists


I’ve found that it is possible to be in a comfortable apartment and have every creature comfort met and to be going out of your mind with frustration over your lack of human interaction. I don’t need a lot of socialization, but I do need at least some. You can’t make it like that.


Although distressing as my symptoms got me feeling everyone is dangerous, planning something and has hostile intentions. I find i rest and sleep deeper and for longer when I socialise, provided I’m not distressed

I 'm not proactive when it comes to socialising. I’ve always been the same from as far back as I can remember. I’ll be as polite and sociable as I can when with other people , and am never purposely rude, but sometimes due to the Asperger’s I can be socially inept.

I am not too bothered about seeing people in general . However if there is much of a gap in seeing my stepdaughter insecurity can kick in , as in ‘Has she got fed up with me ?’