Unique schizophrenia

I have a unique combination of symptoms.
No category defines me.
I’m unique person with unique schizophrenia.


Everyone is unique.


I agree though there may be a lot of overlap. The brain and life are both complicated organisms

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Yes, we’re all unique little flesh machines.


Maybe that is one of the reasons why they got rid of the 5 sub types of schizophrenia when they went from the DSM4 to the DSM5, because many people don’t fit neatly into 1 of those 5 categories. Now there are no sub types, there is just a “schizophrenia spectrum”, to be diagnosed with schizophrenia you have to meet certain criteria from a list of criteria. Here is a comparison from the DSM4 to the DSM5

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@Om_Sadasiva , i am definitely schizophrenic but not sick. I have problems of thought but it may possible if certain things change. So its not a disease.

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There were several reasons, and that was one of them: The categories did not neatly distinguish between different patients. Also, a lot of patients were put in the “undifferentiated” category, which was basically just a “does not fit any” category, and the “catatonic” category was hardly used at all. Further, the subtypes were not stable over time: patients switched between them as their symptoms changed. And the subtypes were not very useful in distinguishing between different outcomes or causes, making them largely irrelevant for both research of clinical applications.


I was diagnosed with undifferentiated sz
by two pdocs in the past


I’ve been in both the undifferentiated and the paranoid categories.


I was paranoid schizophrenia.


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