I have always had unusual belief’s since I was a child, which I suppose could be considered normal, but recently I’ve been loosing it. The slightest little argument will send me into psychotic rage and I will feel the need to harm others to prevent my own death. I haven’t acted upon any of this but it’s really getting unbearable. I’ve also been having conversations with people, not realising there is no one there but I’ve not really had anything hallucination wise until I try to sleep. I can’t go the doctors because I can’t let my parents know that I’m seeing mental help (complicated) and that excludes getting sectioned even more so. Is there anything I can do to stop this on my own? Or some alternative?
You have to go to a doctor, start with either your family doctor or the hospital.
We’re not doctors here, and can’t diagnose you unfortunately.
There’s no excuse, even a complicated parental relationship, for not getting help for mental illness.
If you have schizophrenia, it will get worse without treatment. It also may get so severe that you do not fully recover from it and achieve a meaningful standard of life. Your best hope – if this is schizophrenia – is to get treatment as soon as possible as that usually leads to the best outcomes. As well, schizophrenia-like symptoms can be caused by other things, like a brain tumour. You REALLY need to get checked out by a doctor. Your parents knowing about this will likely be the least of your problems.
Good luck.
So why can’t you tell your parents? I agree with pixel and everhopeful that you need to get treatment. I remember that I didn’t get treatment for about 2 years. Then my symptoms got worse and I tried to commit suicide because in my mind I thought I was saving people. I lost touch with reality. Could happen to you. Schizophrenia is not to be taken lightly. There may be a legitimate reason to hide it from your folks. Either way try to see a doctor. Do you have hallucinations as well as delusions?
Seeking medical help including hospitalization, if that becomes necessary, would be preferable to you potentially harming yourself or others, don’t you think?
Do you still live with your parents? How old are you? My parents used to be anti-mental health field and when I first needed help I had to sneakily see my school psychologist so you could try that.
It’s very important you get help before it’s too late.
I don’t know your family dynamics but it sure seems obvious that you need help. If you feel violent then you owe yourself and other people to seek help. Would your parents rather have you hurt someone and and then have you pay for it for the rest of your life or would they rather cut through all the family garbage we all have and seek help? Mental illnesses are hard if not impossible to treat without help.
The odds are that you are not going to solve these problems by sitting in your room and thinking them away. As a matter of fact, if you don’t get treatment, they will probably get worse and more serious.
I hardly have hallucinations really, only if I’m trying to sleep. I have experienced stuff like this about 2 years ago but then it went away. It seems only to be triggered by a stressful event(s) and it’s only been the past few days I’ve been having strange delusions and anger fits. I mean, I manage to contain it outwardly until I am alone and I can get by at work. Today, I feel fine it’s just I know if an unexpected stressful event happens, this will follow.
I’m 17 so I don’t go to school and I’ve left college recently. Hmm I have been described as somewhat “schizoid” as a child and was tested for all the common childhood disorders (adhd, autism etc.) but never diagnosed with anything
So why can’t your parents know you think something is wrong then? A lot of times children will not be diagnosed w sz because it’s just very rare for kids to have it.
Keep in mind not to treat it lightly because symptoms can always get worse as they did with me.
My symptoms were like this for a while. They would get bad during stressful times, then get better on their own. I thought I didn’t need treatment since it was transitory. But the episodes started getting more intense, and lasting longer. Finally, it became permanent. Don’t be like me. Seek help before you become permanently disabled.