Uncommon movies you love

Mine I love that are unknown really or hard to find…“the lady in white” about a child killer…“roadie” with meat loaf, art carney, gaylord sartain, alice cooper, blondie, hank williams jr. , roy orbison, and asleep at the wheel., favorite movie of all time…love it…

“barfly” starring mickey rourke and faye dunaway, story about Charles Bukowski…hard to find but out there for purchase…

“angel heart” another mickey rourke flick but this one has robert de niro as the devil.


Drive Angry with Nicolas Cage, a movie about a guy that comes back from hell to take revenge on his daughter’s killers.


Donnie Darko

Although I despise the fanbase that tries to dissect time travel and how it applies to the movie. The protagonist has schizophrenia, he’s hallucinating… not sure how people don’t get that.


I don’t know if it’s niche enough but “Whiplash” was incredible. “John dies at the end“ was great too.

Angel Heart was awesome. Barfly was okay for me, but it didn’t bowl me over. Wild Orchid though… Ooof. Hawt.

Ever see this one?

“I want my two dollars!”


I like Donnie Darko, too.


Although it does make me miss Patrick Swayze a little bit every time I watch it again.

Yeah Parker at his best. Like when you get it it’s all so obvious and you just need to watch it all again to see all the little clues. Was the best occult type movie well before the Sixth Sense. Both good movies but Angel Heart was so good back in the day.


The bad batch
I think its gonna be a cult movie in the future

There’s this movie called “Get Crazy” I think you can see most of it on Youtube but it’s funny as but more importantly has Lou Reed doing music for it.

Basically it’s this film about a New Years concert and there’s all these bands that play. The music is great and funny… From blues to punk to rock…It features the Electric Larry the drug supplying robot…

It’s a gem for those who like modern music and like the godfather of alternative rock in Reed.


It’s probably not uncommon but ‘La Vie En Rose’ the story about Edith Piaf’s life. Great movie

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Curse of the Golden Flower.

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I got on a bit of a roll and not sure it’s region locked but this movie is so good! Nudity and language warning but the music is amazing for a B movie. Lou Reed is the bomb!


Looks to be working here.

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Very triggering for some here I’d imagine. It’s a bit like the matrix.


Buffalo 66 staring Vincent Gallo and a better film about Bukowski … Factotum with Matt Dillon.

I gotta watch this movie

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Pompeii was a good movie. This is the full movie.

I LOVE Donnie Darko, it’s my favourite movie of all time… <3

Also Million Dollar Hotel is one of my favourites. It has the most beautiful start and ending:

“Wow, after I jumped, it occurred to me, life is perfect, life is the best. It’s full of magic, beauty, opportunity, and television, and surprises, lots of surprises, yeah. And then there’s that stuff that everybody longs for, but they only real feel when it’s gone. All that just kinda hit me. I guess you don’t really see it all clearly when you’re - ya know - alive.”

And Jan Svankmajer’s Alice. A very very different adaptation of the story Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. It’s acting and stop motion animation. Extremely creepy, weird and scary, I was not able to watch this for years because it gave me anxiety. But then I watched it with a friend and was amazed again.

Todd Solondz’s Welcome to the Dollhouse. Just a very very dark movie full of teen angst. Dark humour, that is. And also other kind of dark. It’s about a teen girl that is very bullied.

The Cell. It’s a horror movie. I don’t watch horror anymore, at all. It makes me lose sleep and my imagination will be filled with horror things. but The Cell is very artistic and I adore the visual aspect of it. It’s horrific but beautifully horrific.

Låt Den Rätte Komma In, or Let The Right One In, a Swedish vampire movie. The original 2008 Swedish version, the USA remake is just awful, don’t watch it. This is a very different kind of vampire movie, it tells of a bullied young boy who meets a vampire girl.

Terry Gilliam’s Tideland. It’s just bizarre from start to finish.

And then, most of Studio Ghibli anime movies. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Totoro, Castle in the sky., … so many amazing anime movies. Beautifully animated.
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is also a very beautiful.

Edward Scissorhands. Do I need to say more?

The Phantom Thread. A great movie. Tells of a fashion designer who is a very difficult person to be with.

An Andalusian Dog, Un Chien Andalou. A surreal masterpiece silent short film from 1929. A classic. Can be found from Youtube, at least used to be.

Well, there is some of my favourites.


I have to take issue with this.

Didn’t he super over sexualize Christina Ricci AND let Chloe Sevigny give him an actual blowjob on film?

He’s kind of a perv.

Though I agree it is a decent movie.

I just don’t like the actor/director.