Uncommon movies you love


It’s a little artsy and pretentious,

But after my sister has become a costume designer I have a new appreciation for it.

Super good movie that doesn’t get it’s due.

I don’t no about any bj m8 but wouldn’t blame the man and no I disagree as hes very tender and gentle towards his girlfriend even boasting excitingly to his pal that hes found love.

He was the director!!

And it’s 100% true, just googled it.

The blowjob got her dropped from her agency and they used the actual footage in the film.

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I can’t remember a scene when he gets one anyway thats my pick for uncommon movie that I love.

Oh no, it’s not in that movie,

In a different movie.

(Of his)

I agree that Buffalo 66 is a good film.

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Whats the name of the bj movie? I’m interested and might give it a watch lol

The Brown Bunny.

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Mickey Rourke was perfect in Angel Heart. That role was made for him.

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Romy and Michelle’s High School Adventure starring Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino. It was funny, I saw it six times.

Falling Down, an underrated movie staring Michael Douglas.

Back in the 90’s my friend convinced me to go see Spice World with him, the Spice Girls movie. The audience was about 90% screaming 13 and 14 year old girls and I was 33 and my friend was 23. Nothing like feeling out of place in a large crowd. Funny enough, I liked the movie!

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I liked the ‘El Chapo’ tv series. Its like 95% in spanish.

Loved this movie….


I know you love this movie too @anon25523312
I was going to mention your name

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Have you seen this one?
Great actors…

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No I haven’t @anon25523312
Looks good…

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It’s not really blockbuster :slightly_smiling_face:

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Best movie ever made


Blue Ruin is a great movie!

Kinda paints violence in a real nasty way.

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To the OP my votes goes to an old French creepy horror movie titled Eyes Without a Face.

It’s super creepy and the ending is amazing.

AfterLife with Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci
Rose Red