Ugg, Clean And More Cleaning!

I have been a slob, place is a mess, paper work piled up, repairs to do, had lots of time to do it but I never did, I spend to much time in the vertical position lol

Are you cleaning today? Post a pic!!!


Nothing to be done here, my house is spotless.

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damn you LOL :joy:

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Need to get some paperwork done today that I’ve been putting off. Our new, smaller kitchen table is buried under it.

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I have to clean today! I already tackles the kitchen and playroom. Next up is the living room and guest bedroom. We have a party today and I need to be ready for it.

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I swept, took out the trash, and started the dishwasher already!


Have to do laundry.

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I really, really need to clean, but I probably won’t…


Get to it!!! lol, I got some accounting done so far

In terms of stuff to do… My bins are full, the laundry needs to be taken down and I’ve got leftover plate of food on my bedroom floor…

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Get your act together. We are not here just for fun. Do what you getting paid for. Get on with it.

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Trying to figure out what to order for smaller recyling tubs inside of our duplex. Need cardboard, glass, cans, paper, mixed plastic, and aluminum foil. Don’t have room for the old tub system we left behind in our garage for the renters. Right now it’s in piles in the storage room downstairs, which I hate. Here’s what we’re getting, I think:

We can load them into the minivan once a week and do a recycling run.

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Scanning of moving receipts is done, Mrs. Squirrel can submit them to her employer for reimbursement. Kitchen table cleared. Now to unpack boxes, hang pics, and work on SQFM Studio 2.0.

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Hopefully the tip people care. I hear stories they put it all in landfill.

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