Trying to understand what caused my illness

I am completely normal otherwise, its not a character flaw, or anything to do with my personality. Im not stupid, I was a straight A student, it wasnt drugs because I never used before I got ill, and its a terrifying experience to have schizophrenia.

so it has absolutely no explanation. Some people say its not even genetic…

Science says its a mix of genetic and environmental factors. Wikipedia says 70-80% genetic. For me I think its more genes with a bit of stress.

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I think I’ve spoken of this before on the board, but I read a study that showed that the brains of schizophrenics were built slightly differently. Larger capillaries Etc.

When someone with this brain structure is traumatized in some way, schizophrenia becomes a very real possibility. Of course, there are many schizophrenics who were born with the disorder.

I found the article very interesting, but I cannot speak to its validity

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i think it has to do with that i was delivered as a baby with pliars… i think it did something to my brain… but those are just my thoughts… i’m not sure of course =p

I don’t have a source, but I read somewhere that doctors could see if a person was schizophrenic just on their posture. Maybe it’s mostly a genetic illness. Idk

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some people believe vaccinations can change a person’s DNA,
or RNA.
idk, it’s nowhere in my family, but can be dormant, I guess.


I think Im gonna get the vaccine. I really hope it doesn’t have any undesirable long-term effects.

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Nobody has a clue what causes schizophrenia. It’s a medical mystery. There’s lots of theories. But that’s all we have, is theories.

Whoever figures it out will probably get the nobel prize.


To me, it’s an inability to relax and trust people.


I have had all the major symptoms when I was younger. But as I got older the symptoms went away. I do not know if its because I adapted to the schizophrenia or because of Abilify.

If Abilify really did reverse my symptoms that would make it more like a cure than anything but they dont say it cures schizophrenia.

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I think it’s probably the two combined - meds and time.


Shwooosh, man, I have a lot of the same things in common with OP (but some not). I was a straight-laced, straight A kid, had friends, normal social life, happy childhood until, well, it all went sideways when I was 11 and my parents split, mom died, and it was downhill from there. Age 12 I was prodromal, diagnosed at 14. Nobody in either side of my family has sz. Father and his father were bipolar. Other than that, nothing. I had an MRI when I was 17 and they found enlarged ventricles which my neuropsychiatric provider said was common in sz’ers. Other than that, I hit the reverse of the lottery I guess.


For me, there’s lots of reasons. First of all, and most importantly, genetics. Almost every one in my family is MI with sz, sza, bipolar, psychotic depression, and neurotic depression, Then, very severe physical, mental and sexual abuse all my life. Then a lot of pot smoking throughout my life until my mid 40’s. Then, malnutrition in my teens and 20’s due to severe bulimia.

My dx is sza, bipolar type.


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