Trying To Stop Depression and Tiredness (unmedicated)

Lately, I have been trying to help diminish my constant depression, tiredness, lethargy and brain fog. I’ve been trying to eat more, riding my bike or walking every day, also now taking vitamin D a d B12 supplements.
Does anyone have any more helpful advice.

You’re doing a lot! Give yourself credit. I tend to run in cycles, not sure about you, but you’re doing some really good things and maybe you’ll cycle out of the depression soon? I hope so. Reaching out here is good, and reaching out generally is good. Do other activities that you enjoy/ make you happy, and to stay busy… Listen to music, wrote in a journal… You sound very strong @Bunny. You should be proud of yourself.

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Thanks. I typically run in cycles too, with the odd spontneous attack, every now and again. However I have been stuck since December and there seems no way out. This is definitely not a cycle. :confused:

It’s very hard. I have depression with psychotic features and finally had to give in and do meds because nothing was working for me. I wish you best of luck with your journey though!

How are meds working for you?
I am too afraid to do meds, because they alter and control my brain.
And thanks.

I was exactly the same way and that’s totally ok. I was very scared. You will have heightened anxiety for about a week or so but once you find the right med it is life changing when it comes to depression. It lifted me out of a very bad suicidal episode. I am happy again and am finding I am actually doing things for fun again and life is not painful anymore. I have kept a log of my journey with medication on here, I can link you if you want?

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well no wonder you’re so miserable @Bunny How long have you been off meds? I would talk to your psychiatrist about this. I am so tired of telling people to take their meds, honestly , if you have a cold you take medicine for it. and the cold goes away. same with schizophrenia. you need the medicine.

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Wow, I’m glad it has done so much for you!
I definitely believe you, but for me I am too afraid.

No pdoc. I left him and my therapist, last summer. They were not helping me and making this worse. Couldn’t make up their minds on whether I should or shouldn’t have meds, should or shouldn’t be working, every time I saw them I was different. They nerr took me seriously, even laughed at some things I have said. They put me on meds that made me crazier, so I said no more. They tried to get into my brain and control me, and tried to make things out to be something they’re not.
I don’t even take meds for colds. I really don’t believe in them. It’s all trickery and control.
I actually just got over a cold, with no medication. Just tea and fluids! :wink: :thumbsup:

Sz is not cold. I also did not take meds for cold, just more rest. Sz is more complicated. If you can stop it without meds, then you will not get sz.
You can change your pdoc and therapist if they are not professional.

If you don’t have psychosis than you could look into L-tyrosine… Allows the body to produce more dopamine and norepenephrin.

If you have psychosis then I’d try CBT. Learned optimism.

Watch some comedy. Take to reading good books.

Happiness is hard to come-by but between somber and content ain’t a bad place to be.

Books can make for a good short term friend.