There’s a big new age movement at my school. Everyone likes astrology. I’m surprised there’s no club already. I’m trying to put together a weekly astrology club! I put an ad on my schools message board. Still awaiting responses! But I’m pumped. I’ve never started anything before.
Is there any website you could recommend where I can plug in my details and get a reading? Will give you the best in depth reading you can get on the Internet! Ps you don’t have to put your name or email. If you feel comfortable posting your birthday here I can tell you a brief synopsis about your sun sign as well
One of my desired professions is to be a professional astrologer but I’m a long ways away. Only have 2 1/2 years of study and obviously not 2 1/2 years non stop.
OK standby, I’ll give that website a go.
Here’s the first bit it gave which is pretty accurate.
Very sensitive by nature, you prefer to be in your own familiar surroundings. Cautious and conservative, you make changes in your life only very slowly, if at all. You do not open up easily to strangers. Friendships are made for life, however – once given, your trust is forever. Your mother, your home as a child and your early family life in general are very important to you. You are also very sentimental. When you feel self- confident, you are gentle, giving and protective of the needs of others. But when you feel insecure or threatened, you become overly sensitive to criticism, shy, withdrawn and moody. You have a strong need for security – in the sense that you are being loved, nourished and protected.
Sounds like you’re a cancerian if I were to guess!! Definitely a water sign (Pisces, cancer or Scorpio). I supposedly have bad chemistry with water signs except cancer which i have decent chemistry with. Me and you obviously have good chemistry so that proves astrology isn’t everything! Not that I ever said it was. It’s guidelines and insight not rules. Thanks for sharing
Go for it chew jan 8th 2000
For the sun sign thingie
You’re a Capricorn. Meaning you’re very ambitious. Shy and reserved especially in your younger years. But since you’re ambitious you can build up your social skills over time. You’re conservative by nature. Not saying political necessarily but personality wise. You’re least concerned with love of any sign. You’ll be more concerned with work which interferes with your love life. Although once you find one person you love you’ll probably stick with them as you earned them! Then again I can’t calculate your ascendant and didn’t look into your other planets which have an influence as well. Ps you’re young. I remember January of 2000 like it was yesterday! I’m 26 btw.
You got your whole life ahead of you so might as well tackle this sz thing will full force now!!
Cool! Thanks
I am shy but I do have big plans ER doc
Is a lot of schooling but why not got to aim for something and is be my way to helping others that helped me if te head stuff does not take me out Frist
I have faith in you! Stay ambitious!! Capricorn is my ascendant and three other planets in Capricorn (I don’t expect you to know what that means) but I have a large Capricorn influence so I know what it’s like having some Capricorn in me.
More like Druids were some of the first discovers of astrology. Every ancient culture treated astrology as sacred and came to almost the same conclusions as each other. You walked into this one…
Well I am not sure I got the skill to back it up! Or I guess I could a nurses dress and dance in bars! Lol with my deaf I end up being more a special doc or helping something I end up doing something that’s for sure
What would you do in your club?
Just a discussion. Like a philosophy or book discussion group but about astrology. My mom suggested me to get guest speakers. There’s plenty of psychics in Olympia and the school gives funding to clubs so they would even give me money me to hire speakers!
I’m doing it for selfish matters somewhat. I’m more of a discusser than a reader so discussing it I would learn a lot more than all the books I read about!!! I called it a collaborative learning and discussion experience in my ad
You could do each others charts or something too.
Do you get into tarot as well? I used to have a set of tarot cards that were based around King Arthur legend. They were really cool.
I plan on one day but haven’t delved into that world yet. Thanks for the recommendations. I can maybe edit the club to be more than just astrology and everything fortune telling. I was actually thinking that but blanked out on it earlier.
I think it’s a great way to put yourself out there and meet some really cool, like minded people. Good on you for posting the ad!
Ahhh but 99% of info on the druids was fabricated…overly romanticized… I’ve read all the books…the books cannot be trusted and there’s a disclaimer on all of them…we have very very little actual info…you can’t slap me with history lol…especially druid history…they may have practiced astronomy…but we can’t know…and will probably never know…