
Anyone been or planning on going travelling? I’m planning on going travelling to Asia in 21 months when I get off meds. I’m going to go to Asia for six months or maybe 12 months then maybe go to Australia. I’m 33 so I’d have to go as an illegal immigrant. What do you think of this?

I wouldn’t go off the meds though


The psychaiatrist has adviced me to go off meds as my psychosis was drug induced and he doesnt’ think it’ll happen again if I stay off drugs.

do you have sz?

Yeah drug induced

No travel for me. Too paranoid.


Same here. I have no one to travel with and I am too afraid to go alone. Plus being in a strange country would stress me out.

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probably it will be difficult getting around the authorities. they seem to be so pervasive in everything these days.

that said, i used to entertain thoughts of hitching on freight ships to ports of call around the world. never went through with it but i thought it would be an adventure.

i’d say go for it while your still young if your going to do it.

Good luck getting into Australia illegally. It’s a tough place to visit without a visa and we do appalling things to people who try and enter the country illegally.


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