SZ and travel

hi guys I might have to go travel to asia to visit my dad but Im worrying about my SZ if I go to psychosis because the trip is very long … and you have to change for time when taking medicin any advice?

Travel is rough on me. After three days I start to get increased symptoms. But it’s worth it to visit my loved ones and see cool new places. I just try to remember my coping techniques and lean on others for support. Will your dad be able to help you if you have trouble?

“Hallucinating” on a plane is really tough.

Take a notebook and pen so you can write down everything you’re seeing and thinking in stream of consciousness style. Then read it when you’re better. It will be really poetic.

My parents live in Singapore, I visit once a year. I’m seeing them at xmas. Jet lag is a killer for most, it affects me a little worse but not too much. A bit more disorientated and the first day - symptoms are worse as you don’t sleep as well on the flight but apart from that no problem. Most flights to Asia will stock green tea, drink as much as you can. The best way to beat jet lag is eat when you are supposed to in that country’s time zone. As for the flight. Once you’ve taken off its easy, read a book, watch a film. The hard part is the airport. I don’t take anti anxiety tablets but if you do, ask your doc about upping the dose, airports are very stressful and if you know you are going on a long haul flight it’s worse. I get to the airport 3 hours prior to flight, this makes it easier, you have time to drink, eat and get time to get to the gate in a leisurely manner. Also before I go to security I empty all my keys, change, phone etc into my ruck sack. This way I ensure I dont bleep when going through security. I find the search quite stressful. I’ve done that journey over 50 times and 10 whilst sz, if you have an worries feel free to message me.

flights can be torturous. breathing the same stale air as everyone else. ppl coughing their germs all over the place. being stuck in a tiny seat like cattle. i’ve flown with a mask on before because it bothers me so much. one thing i’ve done that really helps is loading my phone or ipad with a movie or two ahead of time and watching them during the flight with some wireless headphones.