Traveling Abroad to Iceland (Final Video Update)

Final installment of my Travel Abroad experience to Iceland.

Thanks for your support!

  • Ethan Thomas

Maybe consider posting some photos from your trip to Iceland? I’d love to see them.

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here you go! [edit]


The link takes me to your imgur profile but it then says “nothing to see here”. :confused:

how about this?

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That works! 15151515

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@thomas Very nice photos! :slight_smile:


I’ve missed a few videos but so happy your trip went well. The ATV ride must have been freeing.

Screw sz!

I almost killed myself last week Friday because I was so out of touch. Today I’m more than happy to be alive. Never felt this relieved to be breathing. Still hard not quite back to normal.

Screw sz. No one ever asks about it because I seem so normal. But it weighs on me. Hiding this part of my life not knowing who knows and who doesn’t.

Happy travels! From happy to be here still dreaming and loving!

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@Moonbeam thank you :slight_smile: happy to share it with you guys

@twinkit I’m glad things are going better for you. I have a tough time with it too, hiding from people outside of my family/relatives and being anonymous here. None of my old friends or people that I knew/know have any idea. It does feel weird hiding it, there is still a stigma.
Screw sz for sure. I hope the weight gets lifted, and its replaced with peace.
Thanks so much, glad you are here and still dreaming and loving :slight_smile:

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Ethan, you inspire me. I thank you for that.

The video was great, but I would have liked to hear about travelling abroad while taking medications. Did you bring extra medications just in case there was a delay? How did you prepare the medications to satisfy airport security? How did you stay on a dosing schedule while travelling? Was any or all of that difficult?

Again, thanks for inspiring me.


Thanks @kindness

On Medications

  1. I brought 1 week of extra medication with me, along with my medications for the week of the trip. I brought all my meds in my carry on luggage so there was no chance of them being lost.
  2. I had all my medications in ziplock bag, and I also had a formalized signed letter from my psychiatrist basically stating I’m being treated for schizophrenia (just in case, I never had to show anyone it.) My medications were in the prescription bottles and also in my individual day cases, and there were no issues or questions.
  3. I had to adjust to the timezone, and took my medications at the same time i usually do, but adjusted to the new time zone. I felt fine with dosage.

Hope that answers some questions



Yes, it does.

I also love travelling; it makes me feel alive (though now that I’m 53 I’m more of a homebody). One of the reasons I enlisted in the Navy was to travel (though I never left the States).

Continue to follow your heart and your passion.


You are inspirational @thomas!
Thanks for sharing.


You said: "I want to be normal, i want to have a family, etc"
Me too, and we all want like you said, i wish you the best luck :sunny:

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@Wave thank you!

@julian88 I definitely do. And that’s not a bad goal to have :slight_smile: Best of luck to you as well man.


I had to adjust to the timezone, and took my medications at the same time i usually do, but adjusted to the new time zone. I felt fine with dosage.

That was a good idea :bulb:

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