This is becoming my favorite book. Did you guys find it to be very philosophical too? I like how the author is clearly very educated but channels his education/intellect through the non-educated characters. I’m also really getting a hang of the language. It’s second nature now. I just got past the chapter he had withdrawals and was locked in the bedroom by his parents. Page 215
I have to reread it, I just remember the most memorable parts. I puked reading the bathroom scene, and cried on the baby scene. It’s all I remember, I must’ve read it 14 years ago.
Also, it’s a very accurate depiction of heroin addiction. Everything the people in the sober house said about heroin exists in the book. Was Irvine welsh a heroin addict? Seems hard to believe he could write this if he wasn’t. I also like the musical references.
Yeah I was 15. My mom didn’t want me to read it, but I read it in secret. I read a portuguese book before about heroin also, I wanted to be like the main character of that book, but after reading trainspotting, well I never touched heroin in my life, although I had plenty of chances to do it.
I saw the movie but didn’t read the book. Right now I’m reading one from an indian author I really like, one of my favorite books is his, The White Tiger. It’s wonderful.