Toured an old lunatic asylum today (pics)

It was an interesting experience. Odd thinking if I had been born a hundred years ago I might have ended up in such a place, in the days before APs.

Anyway, wanted to share my pics:


I can’t imagine how horribly those people suffered


That sounds awesome. I’d love to do a tour of an old asylum. I wonder if there are any left nearby in Australia to check out.


sad pictures…very sad.


looks awful, why is there what looks like a morgue in one picture?


That’s fking awful!
The stigma was way worse back then and psychiatry was in its infancy

It basically came down to torturing the “insane” into submission

God bless us all


old asylums were sh i t. :frowning:
People had zero meaning here. No one truly cared what they experienced.
And there were so many myths about SZ as an example.

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Those poor people. Least they had accommodation. Since care in the community they’ll be thrown on the streets with no support.

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That was the morgue, they had one of their own.

No grippy socks? :socks:

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There’s a “yo mama thread” I actually find what your saying to be rude even in a joke context please everybody be respectful to each other


Yea I wasn’t saying it to anyone, just a continuation of the yo mama thread


This really out of all the threads you could of done this this is the absolute worst place for jokes I think and I hate doing this but I’m gonna have to flag that post I know your kidding but I don’t wanna see you offended people


:+1: I don’t know why your so sensitive about this go ahead lol noone cares

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Back then people suffered worse by the hands of others back then than they did with there mental illnesses it was absolutely atrocious what they did I heard a lot of stories

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I’m going to close the thread. One of the rules of the forum is to be nice to each other. Let’s respect that.