In Orthodox Greece, today, Saturday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This is not a religious thread. It’s about customs. We eat meat after 40 days of fasting. What about your country? How do you celebrate Easter in Catholic countries?
I think over here it has become more of a commercial holiday. It is more about chocolate eggs and the Easter bunny than anything religious. The same with Christmas really.
Yes I agree with @anon98459728
I mean my parents are religious and the most we do on Christmas is sing happy birthday to Jesus with a cake.
But apart from that, not much religious stuff, defo not during easter
Good Friday is a bigger deal than Easter in Catholic countries.
Today is our Easter also @Om_Sadasiva.
Woke up to a nice Breakfast that my Dad made.
We also watched some YouTube videos related to our Holiday.
Also contacted family members via text and telephone.
Happy Easter @Om_Sadasiva @laros @anon54525863
@Andrey and others!
ARENT you supposed to be in lockdown ?
Who are you talking to @Qwerty?
We are in lockdown.
I was celebrating a little with my Father at home.
Thanks a lot @Wave, that’s very considerate of you to remember !
Happy Easter to you and your family as well !
Unfortunately this year I could not be with my family. I had to cancel my trip back home due to ********* (better not mention it, although it’s obvious).
Thanks buddy for remembering me.I had a meal from my volunteer neighbor, it was delicious.
She cooks very well, and her son brought “Musaka” to my door step, as we are not alowed to leave the building.
I hope next year I might go to church.
My buddies this days

Thanks @Wave
My parents celebrate I don’t. I was religious before my SZ but religion only made me worse after because of hallucinations and delusions. Religion didn’t help me recover from SZ like my parents said that a miracle could heal me.
I prayed for more than 9 years so Jesus heals me from SZ but it didn’t work. I hate religion now and avoid it. I put high volume music when my parents listen to religious stuff.
Aziz, are you orthodox or else why you are dereiling the thread?
My parents are Syriac Orthodox. I am not religious and hates religion. Its not allowed in this forum.
Anyways, I won’t post in this thread anymore.
@Om_Sadasiva , thanks for today gathering of Orthodox here, I was fasting for three weeks, but it gets harder when you’re not young.
I was talking to @Om_Sadasiva wave.
man I love BBQ ribs made in the crock pot…that’s it, I am going to have to buy another crock pot.
@Wave did you battle your eggs? Trying to figure out if this is a Syrian tradition or just a weird thing my family does.
What do you mean by battle @Ninjastar?
When you hit them against each other to see which one breaks?
I introduced Starlet to it and I told him it was part of my culture, but the only other Syrians I know are related to me so I dont know if this was actually a family tradition and they just told us it was a Syrian thing to make it sound more special.