Toby Gillis - Be relieved

My dog Toby died this morning.

I’m not sure what to say but I’ve been dreading this for a long time.

I couldn’t look at his corpse the way everyone else was.

They don’t understand.

They never do.

But this is why in general I dislike “excitement” because it’s like everyone ignores whats in front of them. Rarely a moment for pause.

And with the dog having a bad heart? I felt the best thing was to slow down to comfort him. He always wanted to rest in my lap when it’s just me and him. That’s the moments I cherished most.

They don’t get me. They made me say goodbye to a ■■■■■■■ corpse. That’s not him… It never was. It’s no one. No one is a corpse or a cheap clone. No one…


Im sorry for your loss sir…

Sorry for your loss @Genbu :rose:

Everyone handles death and grief in a different way

If I could play flute I would for him.

It’s unavoidable I guess.

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I’m so sorry. You’ll see him in heaven, honey, or maybe sooner, the spirit carries on, dogs are so loyal, they don’t want to leave you. Much love right now.

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I’m sorry. I don’t like saying goodbye to corpses either. Or visiting graves. That’s not where they are anymore.

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I’m sorry about Toby’s passing @Genbu

It was very compassionate and loving of you to spend quiet time with Toby comfortably resting in your lap during his final days.

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They left to take his corpse to get cremated.

I’m actually worried about getting yelled at for not seeming to show much emotion.

I’ve been shamed before for not going to funerals.

If I tell them what I really think they’ll think I’m cold. It’s just not that simple.

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