To those that speak more than one language and hear voices

I’m just curious, do you hear voices in more than one language or do you only hear them in you native tongue/first language?

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In all languages even languages I am not good at.


Just English my only language. But I had dreams I was in another parallel universe speaking German in the future after I taught myself the language and stuff, but my German was iffy.

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I hear them in both English and French (2nd language).

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I had voices in all the languages I speak.
Some only spoke one of the languages, but I had voices in all four.

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I speak two languages ( Chinese and English). My voices spoke both in Chinese and English. Those voices were very cruel because they mocked me and shouted at me.

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I’ve heard voices in Dutch, English and French. Sometimes they are even in Spanish but my Spanish is not that good. So, I don’t always understand them.

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Hmm. . .

I Hear Voices In Esperanto And In The Code Of Alien Spake.

And In English Of Course.

Sometimes These Languages Are In An Uncontrollable Mixed State Of Possible Random.


Possible Ancient Egyptian Illuminati Symbol Of Halo Mysteries.

I Honestly Have No idea. All I Know Is, If I Have A Question It Is Answered.

Which Is Good In All Honesty, Because The Universe Can Be Confusing At TImes.

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I hear them in English and Spanish.

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I spik pirprnis ind I hir vicses in thit lingige ill thi time. Bit i guiss yi wisn’t tilking ibt thit.

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I never hear voices in Korean because I was raised elsewhere.

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My native language is English and my voices don’t even speak English because they mumble unintelligibly.

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I took 1 semester of Spanish in college it was hard. But worth it. I forgot all of it. It was over 10 years ago, but I got an A which is better than my Fs in high school in Spanish. Spanish is much easier than German and other languages. I get delusions that people tell me I speak Russian or can (voices?), but I definitely cannot. I only wanted to speak or know Chinese and Russian because of travel or because of ‘survival’. I think German is the best language and most interesting and the women and culture are great, and also Norwegian seems nice and cool, but boring and difficult.

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I heard Polish is pretty hard. I thought I was Polish growing up.

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I speak Spanish as a second language and I am semi fluent. I get along pretty good.

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I speak un petite peu de francais seulement and I’ve only ever heard voices in English, my first language. Good question!

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