To potato or not potato that is the question

The power and glory of the potato will live on forever and ever in potatoes name we pray. Only through the potato will you find peace. So i choose to potato and im proud of it. Come forth and choose if your with potato or against.


Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings of arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a see of troubles.

Only the potato knows. We each have a little potato in us all.


That was beautiful i would cry but i cant…lost my tear ducts in the great potato war the normies call Vietnam.

I don’t think I want to potato.

I am pretty sure it involves hiding for a long time, only to be discovered and eaten.

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In potato we trust. All hail the great potato!!

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I wish I could say that was my own XD. That is the second line in the To be or Not to be speech. :slight_smile: …I’m trying to figure out what it means for no reason…maybe I should just ask the Potato.

The last line was mine though.

Oh dear, sorry to hear this. May the Potato be with you.

We the Potato, in order to form a more perfect Potato.


The potato is the false bringer of carbs. Only the Spaghetti can nourish you and give you everlasting Life.

The spaghetti monster lies and stains shirts.

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Potatos have more power with sour cream and butter.

The potato,have more power with sour cream ,Only the Spaghetti can nourish you and give you everlasting Life.

I plead the 5th potato



The potato factory is coming along strong. Could use a few more turtles in the main hangar though! :slight_smile:

The dawn of the turtles is protected by the potato god. Your powers are no longer valid

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It is not my powers you should be worried about. It is the power of each turtle in unison pumping out potato after potato. You can’t buy that kind of power :smiley:

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But their brains just like potato

Hey spuddy- don’t treat me like potato

Friends, loved ones, we gather today to honor the life of the Potato Thread, which gave us so much and was taken from us far too soon :coffin:


It lives again!
Just like a potato it cometh to life. Glorious!