TMI - Constipation

I haven’t pooped in 3 days. I’ve been eating my normal amount of food too so its not because im not consuming anything. Should I be worried? Whats the longest you’ve gone without pooping?

Do you feel bloated or an urge to push? Stomach ache?

Sometimes people go a few days without pooping

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I do have a stomach ache! @Pikasaur

I honestly have no idea what the longest I’ve gone without pooping. I don’t think it’s time to panic yet but maybe your should take some milk of magnesia or get some of those bullets you put up your rear end.

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Thanks for the advice @Bowens

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Suppositories is the word I couldn’t think of for those bullets…I must be getting tired.


Go to bed dude! lol @Bowens

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You can get some natural over the counter help from a pharmacy. I got bad constipation on risperdal when I was first on it. Can be meds or even diet related but if it persists see a regular gp. Meanwhile maybe a visit and chat to the pharmacist.


I appreciate the advice! @rogueone

If it turns into 4 days, I would take a laxative. You don’t want it to go on for too long before you take action. Waiting until it is extremely uncomfortable is not the way to go (excuse the pun).
Personally, I found Ex-lax doesn’t work on tough cases. I use a bottle of Magnesium Citrate, it’s never failed but you should read the instructions and warnings carefully. Supermarkets or drug stores carry it.


Thanks! @77nick77

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I found the problem with some laxatives including a couple natural ones is that certain ones take a day or two to start working. If I want fast relief from 30 minutes to four hours I take the Magnesium Citrate I mentioned. Not all natural ones take time.

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the longest i gone without pooping is like 4 days something just recently even when i was sick.

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MOM to the rescue (milk of magnesia) it will get you going fast and it’s a little easier on the system that magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate is so violent. go with MOM. I’ve had it work within a half an hour.


I second @Leaf.

During rotations we’d give patients MOM on day three as a first line approach before things like suppositories.

Usually does the trick.


I went like almost a week without pooping once.

It was right after my boob surgery and I was taking a ton of painkillers.

They made me crazy constipated.

I kept telling the doctor and he would prescribe things, but nothing happened.

In the end, I had to just drink a ton of strong coffee and wait.

It happened.

I didn’t sleep and was jittery, but I pooped and that felt like an accomplishment at the time.

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Ask the pharmacist to show you stool softening meds

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Oh, and 3 days isn’t really bad. I’ve gone 2 weeks many times, but I have a problem. I drink lots of water and take Miralax everyday. As needed, I add dulcolax to it.

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Good news guys, I just took a big poop (TMI? haha) hopefully I go back on my normal routine of going once every 24 hours. Thanks for all the tips everyone!

hehe that happened to me too when i got sick (cold)… i was 3 days without going and got nervous as i usually go daily and then suddenly i could go =D

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