When you think, a lot.
About everything and anything.
Im tired of thinking.
When you think, a lot.
About everything and anything.
Im tired of thinking.
Meditation? Medicine? Other ?
Have you tried L-theanine ? That can chill you out for a few hours.
No. Its quite expensive here.
There are times when I think continuously non-stop about a lot of trivial things. It is more like rumination. It is better right now.
My style is to think like dead person.
Its very difficult to attain it…
Need to practice daily.
I started of when I got to know I am a dead anyways.
I feel if I practice this I get to control my thoughts.
By firing the thoughts that I need.
Not random ones.
I practice it daily for 20 mins some times goes to an hour.
Don’t know about the success rate…
It sounds like meditation. I would not call it being “dead.”
If you are tied of ‘obsessing’ you could see if music takes you away - or any form of listening such as the radio or tv. I hope you find the peace you are looking for…
Yes, one can say meditation, I tried it calling meditation but I use to be distracted.
When I think in the other perspective its a strong feeling because once I come out of the state of mind. I feel I am still alive and all the things I can do being alive.
Before that I should attain and understand what its like having no thoughts.
Over thinking result of dopamine imbalance in brain.my p doc was say this.i was too much thinking my anxieties and delusions before med adjustment.now i don t think anything neighter about my delusion nor something else
L- theanine is found in black tea. Just go to the store and buy some.
Hmm. . .
Such A Strange Notion. To Be Tired Of Thinking.
I Mean I’ve Heard Many Times Before, ‘I’m Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired’.
But!, That’s More So An Honest Day’s Work. On An Endless Rotation.
Thought’s On The Other Hand. Carry No Weight. Value Yes!. Meaning Yes!. Visual And So On.
But!, No Weight, No Lifting, No Sweat, Only The Invisible Void Of Comprehension, And Inverted Uselessness. Perhaps, Do The Usual, In Order To Gain A Sense Of Productivity.
Maybe Even In Enlightenment!.
Pure Clarity In Order To Clean The Chaos Of Unwanted Psychological Exhaustion.
Thinking probably bumps into doing; for us with Sz thinking is probably the enemy of ‘doing’.
In a rare book I took in which is a book in retrospect that deals in happiness, ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving an [Eff]’,
The author has conviction when he says completing a marathon causes happiness. I think bc of that that completing a book also would bring happiness.
But thinking too much makes ‘doing’ harder.
Disclaimer: I have trouble reading BUT may look up online ‘Couch to 5k’ on YouTube soon. : )
Hmm?. . .
There May Be A Sense Of Truth To That.
But!, Clarity & Strict Focus. Within The Perceptive Abilities Of Consciousness & Subconsciousness.
Grabbing Clarity In The Depth Of A Personal Daydreaming Manner Perhaps In A Web Of Purity.
Could Etch A Sketch For A Template Of Accomplished Goals.
I Dunno Really.
Something Like That.
True, I’ve been told I need better focus, irl.
However I have true despair on the whole thing, it seems impossible, I’m content with my current meds and/or have just given up trying to tweak anything for a better outcome.
(Got really hurt with ‘Dopamine agonists’, abilify and Vraylar).
Hmm. . .
I Rely On Meditation, Fasting, Creativity, Prayer, Nature, Youthful Memories, And Love.
I Try Not To Put Too Much Emphasis On Medications.
But!, That’s Jus Me.
Do Whatever Works For You . . . . . .
Meditation also feels like a bridge too far for me. I am jealous of those who can…
When I sit still, close my eyes, I just don’t get any rewards in my brain. To put it scientifically.
Also - I only freak out!!!
Hmm. . .
I Learned Long Ago, Jealousy Can Ruin Lives.
So, I Would Jus Steer Clear From That Unrewarding Landscape As Quickly As Possible.
Prior to getting on the med combo I’m on now I had stuff constantly going on in my head. Always worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. I feel like right now I spend much more time living in the present moment and not living in my head. I really noticed the biggest shift when I went on the max dose of Cymbalta. That really helped me out combined with my other meds.
This is really good. I might read a book on meditation because I recognize the need. I would like to ask if you think silence is good, but maybe not “total silence?”
Sometimes I am too anxious to meditate even though that is when I need it the most.
I also agree with what Leafy said above.