my doctor titrated better the latuda this time so now i dont have as much dread and restlessness. but it is still there just a lot less terrible. now does anyone have any tips for dealing with late night restlesssness when you take your pill. i have ativan and propranolol for the akathisia the ativan sort of helps but the doctor said its addicting and im afraid of that being the case.
all i can think of a night is how bad i wanna get off the latuda, but i know its good for my bodies health metabolism wise.
what tips do you have other than ativan and propranolol for akathisia
That was the worst side effect i got with ap’s. It’s awful, it went away for me after lowering my dose and adding klonopin, which is a benzo too i know
Do you think there is room to talk to your Doctor about lowering your dose if all else fails?