Thoughts, pacifist

I am literally thinking at the moment about situation in the world. And it’s so so terrifying!! Wars are terrible. Some people really have no feelings of remorse or guilt. There are so waaay better things to do in this life than to murder, steal or bombard cities. Like, world could possibly exist in peace. We could just make babies, have peaceful lives and enjoy every single minute on this :earth_americas: Earth.
I am a pacifist. This term explains me the best. I can accept everything except those terrible immoral things. “A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist . If you are a pacifist , you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting.”

And really. I have no influence in this world at all, but I would love to! Situation in world today is depressing, because some people in higher positions are simply as•holes.


Hopefully those that are the aggressors will be stopped and also held accountable for their actions.

In the meantime, we need to support those who are the victims of aggression.


Wars are violations of human rights. Me neither.


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