does anybody ever have this happen. it’s like you will be thinking of something, and all of a sudden you start getting to some good thoughts, and then out of the blue you forget what youre thinking about and cant remember your thought. this happened to me twice last night, and it is so frustrating, it’s like thoughts aren’t being inserted, but being taken away. sometimes i will remember my thought after an hour or so, other times it will be the next day, but sometimes it never comes back to me. it’s just a mystery of my mind, i don’t know why this happens to me.
I have it sometimes, thought blocking and/or memory loss. I speak to my brothers and forget what I am talking about.
thought blocking o yes that is it. i forget the term, it used to happen to me when i was unmedicated more frequently. but i experienced it again last night and my mind just went blank for a couple minutes, and i couldn’t remember what i was thinking about.
I think its a cognitive symptom of psychosis.
It could be thought blocking, catatonic spell etc. Anyway mind gets blank for a moment or some seconds. In catatonia we see people unresponsive for several minutes or hours but it can occur for some seconds and even just for milliseconds too. During this time no idea whats going on in mind as mind goes blank. If have working memory issues too that these minute spells can make it hard to recollect thoughts going on before these catatonic spell. This is why its hard to recollect previous thoughts. Playing working memory training apps like dual n back, n back etc is very useful to improve the recall ability.
This happens to me too
I also get times when I have blank head and no thoughts
This happened to me a lot in the years following my psychotic break.
I would be thinking about something and then it would disappear. Sometimes I could even feel it pulling away and I would panic and try to stop it. But then it was gone and I had no memory of what I was thinking about. It was really scary.
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